Ethical Statement

Ethical Statement for Journal Strategic Policy and Global Affairs-JSPGA

I testify on behalf of all co-authors that our article was submitted to Journal Strategic Policy and Global Affairs-JSPGA.

Article’s Title:   

Author/s Name:

    1.  This script has not been published in its entirety or in part anywhere else.
    2. This particular manuscript is not being considered for publication in any other journals at this time.
    1. If I send the same to any other publisher, I will let you know in anticipation which will be considered as my voluntary withdrawal from the JSPGA. 
    1. Furthermore, there is nothing in the manuscript that is threatening, offensive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal.
  1. All authors have made substantial contributions to the work that resulted in this manuscript and accept full responsibility for its accuracy and integrity. 


Corresponding author’s signature:

HEC Funding Certificate (Journal hasn't Funds From HEC Last Year)