Submission Guidleines

Submission Guidelines

All manuscripts must be submitted electronically through the formavailable at our website

    • Articles shall be in MS-Word (2013 or higher) duly formatted according to the guidelines and publication policy of the GSSR.
    • Only Electronic submission (Soft Form) of manuscripts is accepted, and the corresponding text, tables, and figures shall be drafted in a single Microsoft Word file
    • The Contributor have to register him/herself before submitting the Manuscript.

Formatting Guidelines

Title: The article’s title should be capitalised (in 13 point Times New Roman font), bold, and centred.

Author(s) Details: Below the title, these author(s) information should be centred in Times New Roman (10 point) font.

    • Full Name
    • Designation
    • Name of the Organization
    • City
    • State
    • Country &
    • E-mail ID.

Abstract: All manuscripts must be accompanied by a brief abstract. Abstract should not exceed 150 words. It should be properly formatted as justified in italicized text in Times New Roman Font (9 point). It should highlight Research Background, Methodology, Major Finding(s) and Conclusion in brief.

Key Words: 3–10 key words must be mentioned by authors. List the keywords in alphabetical order, with commas separating each one, and a full stop at the conclusion.

Page Setup: Size of the page should have 7 inches Width and 9.5 inches Height with 1- inch margin on all four sides. Header and Footer Layout should be 0.5 inches from edge.

Manuscript: Article must range from 3500 and 7000 words (all inclusive). The font style and size specifications should be Times New Roman, 10 point. Spelling and grammatical mistakes should be avoided at all costs (it is advised to get your draught reviewed from an English language expert before submission) 

Tables and Figures/Images: All important tables, figures, and graphics should be included in the paper’s main body. The table’s heading needs to be in Times New Roman, bold, 10 points, and with a 0.25-inch indent (Left). The heading of the Figure/Images should likewise adhere to the same standards as the Tables, but it should appear below the Figure/Image and be centred.

References: At the end of the article, all references must be listed alphabetically following the APA reference format. 

Author(s) Biography: Each author is required to submit a copy of their copyright agreement form, a short biography, and a photo. 

Manuscript Preparation


Manuscripts should only be submitted online via e-mail (in attachment) or submitted at and should be typed in MS Word in the English language.

Length of Pape

The paper shouldn’t be longer than the allotted word count, which is 7000 words (Minimum 3500 Words). Papers with word counts over 7000 will be sent back to the authors for editing. Articles must be typed in double spacing, with ample margins, on only one sheet of paper (ideally A4), including footnotes and references. Authors are expected to write as succinctly as they can while maintaining clarity. 

Instructions about Title Page

The title page typically precedes the manuscript’s text and is a distinct page. The following information should be included in the order specified: 


Because titles are frequently used by users to search for the required contents, they should be brief, relevant, and explicitly describe the topics of the document. Whenever possible, avoid utilising formulas, abbreviations, and jargon. 

Author(s) Name and Affiliation

The family name of the author(s) should be given in clear, capital letters. Mention the writers’ affiliation and address, or the location where the work was completed, immediately below the author’s name. After the author’s name and before the relevant address, place a lowercase superscript letter to indicate all affiliations. This section should also provide each affiliation’s complete postal address, which includes city and country names, as well as, if accessible, each author’s email and phone number. 

Corresponding Author

Who is willing to manage correspondence at all refereeing, publishing, and post-publication stages should be made very clear. Make sure to provide phone numbers, together with the country and area code, in addition to the full postal address and the email address. 

Sponsoring Details

Please make it explicit whether the research you’ve submitted has had any sponsorship from a company or non-profit. 


An abstract for your research paper should be included; it should not be longer than 150 words. The goal of the investigation, the technique used, and the results of the study should all be included in this abstract. The abstract should be prepared so that it may stand alone since they are frequently presented separately from the article or manuscript. 


After the abstract, list no more than 3–10 keywords. Avoid using generic, plural, and many concepts (avoid using words like “and” and “of”). Use only abbreviations that are unquestionably accepted in the subject of study when employing abbreviations in keywords. 

Subdivision of the Manuscript

Authors are now required to carefully delineate and number the sections of their articles and manuscripts. Additionally, sub-sections need to be numbered, for example, 1, 2, (then 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.1.2), 1.2, etc (except the abstract which is not included in section numbering). 

Figure Legends, Figures and Schemes

These should be listed in this order at the end of articles or papers, according to the authors. High-resolution graphic files must be given separately from the article’s or manuscript’s main body. 


At the conclusion of the article, tables should also be included. Please take note that tables should be numbered sequentially based on where they occur in the text. The table’s description should appear directly above the table’s body. Not before incorporating, turn tables into images. Avoid vertical rules if you can. Please make sure that the data in the table does not repeat the findings that are elsewhere in the text. 


To ensure that bibliographic citations are accurate and adhere to the most recent version of APA 7th, it is only the writers’ obligation. 

Citations in the Text

Please make sure that every reference listed in the reference list is likewise listed in the text, and vice versa. Citations should not be used in the manuscript’s abstract, according to the authors. Personal communications and results that have not yet been published should not be listed in the reference section at the conclusion of the paper but may still be discussed. When a reference is listed as “In Press,” it signifies that the piece has been accepted for publication. 

Citing and Listing of Web References

If an author encounters difficulty citing a web reference, they should at the very least include the entire URL. If the author is aware of any further details, they should be included as well. These details could include the names, dates, and citation of the authors in a source publication, among other things. Web references can be listed separately (for example, after the reference list) under a different heading for the authors’ and readers’ convenience, or they can obviously be included in the reference list. 

Text in References

Authors are encouraged to follow the American Psychological Association (APA), 7th edition, referencing style. They can consult the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, Seventh Edition, online at

References list

The references section at the conclusion of the document should be organised alphabetically first, and then if necessary, chronologically. The letters “a,” “b,” “c,” etc., which are written immediately after the year of publication, must be used to identify references from the same author(s) if there are multiple references from that author(s) in the same year.